Friday, September 1, 2017

is there an alternative to money?

Perhaps one of the biggest challenge for 21st century human society lies in its inability to comprehend and reinterpret the idea of money and its valuation. The recent economic surveys and study confirms that the periodicity of global economic recession has come down to a seven/six and half year cycle now. In other words in every seven and half years, a large majority of business will collapse impacting the entire economic and banking system across nations. If one further clarify, the money is loosing its value and its capacity to produce profit during every seven and half years. At this rate the day is not too far that it touches the five year cycle, a time a car depreciates( mortgage value ends) or a small and medium scale industry makes a break even!
Or elaborately speaking the current value system of money or economic model of business has reached its dead end. For the larger industry it is much worse as the product life cycle linked to consumption will go through a cycle of market depression and recovery every five years and further before even the recovery of the market take place the next depression would have set in.
Largely speaking the economic model of money, profit and business is fast becoming a redundant system. The valuation models of amazone and uber sort of business - the corporatisation of co-operative economy or privatisation of socialist models and redefining it as service industry - only has accentuated this collapse of money owing to its internal contradiction of valuation of money - between corporate and co-operative idea of profit.
At this rate no country or idealism can survive any longer as human society today is largely an organisation of money and its valuation. The tragedy of human society today is that the very intend of life on earth is now defined by its role in profit valuation linked ability of productivity tells the story. Things are valued at its capacity to contribute or holistically interpreted as one's capacity to be sustainable - a sacred terminology invented for profit viability.

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